Thursday, February 25, 2010

And We're Back

So, it has been awhile since the last post, but we are up and running again. My computer has been fixed and now I just have to re-load all my software and settings. This is just a quick post to put some recent Bean pics up.
She is basically a pro at sitting these days and I feel like she is very close to solo sitting...anyday now.
Bean has also really started chewing/sucking her fingers (teething!) and has also found her to come.
This little sweater used to be mine. She looks like a little elf.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Be Back Soon

Hello friends. Unfortunately, my computer is sick with the blue screen of death. I hope the geek squad can repair it asap. I was a bit traumatized when it crashed, kinda like I lost a piece of myself (or at least lost connection to the outside world). Anyway, it has the software I use to download pics, so I will have to be taking an involuntary break from blogging til my computer is fixed. We do have many cute Bean updates and some house projects on the horizon. Stay tuned.....

Monday, February 1, 2010

OK, this is my first video upload. Hope it works. Also, apologies for the poor singing and "crazy-make-the-baby-laugh" tactics I tried.