Friday, December 31, 2010

Fake Smiles, Ponytail, and Blowing Kisses

Is it possible to get more baby tricks in 30 seconds?

More Xmas

Waiting to go downstairs to open gifts
Marmi and Papa
Lala and Wes
Sarah and Kris

Christmas Highlights 2010

I love xmas and this year was so very special because of Bean. Having a baby has really returned the magic of the holiday and transported me back to childhood. It was so fun to create such a special day and I look forward to starting some of our very own Butler-Grover traditions.
This year we were in Columbus, OH at my aunt and uncles abode. Of course, Santa left Bean a pile of gifts that she could play with right away.

A little overwhelmed
Such a good unwrapping helper
Playing with all her baby doll accessories

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snow Day and Finger Paint

Today is a snow day. In NC that is a big deal. The Trasportation Department has been trying to prepare for the last couple of days and our little wintery mix made national news. Yes, national news people. So we have gotten less than an inch, but we do have sleet and ice. It also happens to be Sami and I's 4th wedding anniversary. Actually, it is not our wedding anniversary (May 19th) but out marriage anniversary. I surprised him with a sitter and dinner at the lantern. Let's hope the wintery mix improves so we can keep our plans.

So, because we are stuck inside, Mama has to get creative with the indoor activities.
See exhibit 1 below.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Baby Dyson

I saw this toy Dyson at a consignment shop a couple of days ago and thought it was a precious mini version of our lovely Dyson. It was $20 so I passed. But, I vacuumed today and was reminded of Bean's love of the vacuum cleaner. I Googled the baby Dyson and saw it retailed for $100!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What what! Needless to say, we are now the proud owners of the used version. I think we will save it for her next bday as she is a bit too young for it now.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pillow Talk

Per advice from some mama friends I decided to put a pillow in Bean's crib. I put her in to test it out. She loved it! And she played in her crib for about 30 minutes. She climbed on the pillow, layed her head on it, and threw her stuffed animals around.

Another Reason I Hate This Car

The biodiesel freezes in cold weather and the car will not start! Sami is blowdrying the fuel lines and it still will not start.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


We went to visit Santa yesterday. I wasn't going to go since Bean is a little young and it kinda freaks me out, but in the end I decided to torture her for my own pleasure. She did not cry, but she was very serious. hehee

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hall Bathroom Paint Job

I have been wanting to paint the hall bathroom for awhile now. We never painted it when we first moved in. The wainscoting was white and the top was a pale yellow. My vision was to paint the wainscoting a blue in the turquoise family and the top white. I love the white because it really brightens the room, but I am afraid the blue is a little too "country" or maybe like a Williamsburg blue. I might need to re-paint it, but I will sit with it for a bit to see. GRRRRRRR

I think changing out the shower curtain and rug may help.
I will also be replacing the mirror for a more basic white framed one.

Front Hall Light

I can now check one more project off "the list". We have slowly been replacing many of the light fixtures in the house. I found this on very cheap from CB2. It was a plug in light and Sami converted it and hardwired it to the ceiling. Very handy. It kind of matches the dining room light. Now just one more fan to go in the living room.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

We got our tree last night from a local farmer and decorated it while Bean slept. It was a treat to see her swoon this morning at the lights and ornaments.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Fake Eating/Feeding

Bean adored to play pretend eating and feeding everything including flowers and chairs, but mostly loves to pretend feed herself, baby, us, and Bela.
She has a tiny tea set with silverware on loan from Marmi.

Still Loving the Big Baby


Amy, Rachel, and I had a little playgroup this morning. Bean fell asleep in the car right as we pulled into Amy's nieghborhood and slept for an hour. But, when she woke up she was in a perfect happy mood and played great with the older girls. Lorelei, Rachel's newest addition, is such a precious newborn and Bean was very interested and excited about a new baby. It got me thinking....

All the ladies playing nicely
Playing with a baby doll and carseat
Lorelei Adelle
Bean kissed the baby and pointed out her nose and eyes

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

14 Month Old Toddler Moment

Bean is 14 months old today. Time flies. I ordered a few 25 minute kiddie shows today for our 10 hour car journey to Indy for Christmas. Blues Clues, Yo Gabba Gabba (ps- I love this show), and Olivia. I had to do some dishes so I figured I would try one out. She plopped right down on a pillow and was loving Blues Clues. She looked like such a toddler with her sippy cup and bowl of O's. I almost cried.

Grover's Black Gold

Sami has been obsessed with the compost again. Lots of coffee, boy pee, and horse poo has been loaded in. Sami reports the compost is getting hot. When asked how he knew this he reported, "I stuck my hand in"! Gross.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Guatemalan Baby

Thanksgiving in Rhode Island

This year we visited Sarah and Kris in RI for Thanksgiving. Between going to Indy and then RI, we traveled to Cleveland three times in one week. The travel was rough (although Bean was an angel), but the visit was great. We had organic turkey, Mimi's mashed potatoes, stuffing, turnips, pearled onions in cream, green bean casserole, carrots in tahini dressing, squash pie, and pumpkin cheesecake. We also got to meet the fin-laws (fake in-laws) which was a treat.
Sarah cooking some tasty sweet potato fries
Bean's RI bathtub
By the sea
On a Thanksgiving day walk

The Children's Museum in Rhode Island

On Friday, we went to the RI Children's Museum. It was, to date, the best one we have seen so far. It was full of nature, science, and good fun.
Of course, Bean loved the water works exhibit
In a tree trunk in Little Woods
" I am a Beaver"

We also checked out a local park in Newport